All DV-2025 Lottery applicants must upload a recent photo of themselves & all co-applicants (spouse and children). You must upload an electronic file containing your digital photograph after you register for the DV-2025 Lottery.

Bạn đang xem: Dv lottery photo requirements

The photo requirements are very strict, và if you vị not comply with all of the specifications below, including but not limited khổng lồ the recentness và composition of your photos, your entire DV-2025 Lottery application will be disqualified.

You are not allowed lớn manipulate your photographs or alter the facial characteristics digitally. Doing so will result in your entire DV-2025 Lottery Application being disqualified. Failure to upload a photograph with the correct kích cỡ and proportion of each individual on the DV-2025 Lottery application may result in disqualification of the principal applicant and refusal of all visas associated with the case at the time of the DV Lottery interview. Any applicant photo must be in colors at least 24-bit màu sắc depth, i.e. Black và white photos are not accepted. You bởi not have khổng lồ go khổng lồ a professional photo siêu thị to get your photo taken. You can have a friend or relative take the photo of you using a digital camera or a cell phone camera. The person being photographed should be in front of a neutral, light-colored background, as dark or patterned backgrounds are not acceptable. You are not allowed khổng lồ wear any head decorations such as sunglasses or other items that detract from the visibility of the face. Photographs of applicants wearing head coverings or hats are not acceptable unless the head covering is worn for religious reasons; even in that case, the head covering may not obscure any portion of the face of the applicant. Photographs of applicants must be 600 pixels times 600 pixels in size.

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Note, that a new requirements has been added. The new requirements is that any applicant wearing eye glasses on the photo they submit will be disqualified.


DV Lottery Test


The DV Lottery kiểm tra will validate if you qualify to lớn enter this years lottery, the DV-2025 Lottery. If you qualify, you are welcome lớn register for the DV-2025 Lottery: DV-2025 Lottery Test.