The University has extended its test-optional admission policy for another year, according khổng lồ the University’s admission website.

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All eight members of the Ivy League (Princeton,Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Cornell University,Brown, Dartmouth, và the University of Pennsylvania) will remain test-optional through the 2022–23 admissions cycle. Columbia and Cornell University formally extended their test-optional policy through the Fall2024 application cycle. Harvard announced its test-optional policy would be effective for four years through the Fall 2026 cycle.

All eight have cited the pandemic và the resulting disruptions và lack of accessibility to lớn testing as a reason for extending their test-optional policies.

The University first announced its test-optional policy for the 2021 admissions cycle in thesummer of 2020, citing the challenges students, particularly those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, faced in testing during the pandemic. At that time, the University was last in the Ivy League to lớn adopt a test-optional policy.

When this test-optional policy took effect in the Fall 2021 admissions cycle, there was asubstantial increase in applicants lớn Ivy League colleges.

The Daily Princetonian spoke with students about the change in the University’s admission policy for the upcoming year.

“I believe ACT & SAT preparation is necessary for a good score which creates an even bigger gap between those with resources and thosewithout,” Alaa Omer ’25 said, referring to the economic barriers associated with standardized testing.

Mina Quesen ’23 said that dropping the testing requirement will re-orient Princeton’s admission criteria for the better.

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“Princeton’s dedication lớn students shouldn’t depend on a thử nghiệm score, and dropping this piece from the application puts greater importance on the student as a person, not a number,” she said.

Fardowso Shidad ’25 told the ‘Prince’ that herconcerns for required standardized testing extend beyond the 2022–23 admissions cycle.

“For me, it’s not really about Class of ’27 getting test-optional,” Shidad said. “I just feel as though standardized testing has many flaws.”

The ‘Prince’ also reached out to the University Office of Communications for further bình luận and was referred to the standardized testing policy listed on Princeton’swebsite.


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“Students who opt to lớn apply khổng lồ Princeton without an ACT or SAT will notbe at a disadvantage in our process. We will continue with a holistic evaluation of each application and will continue to lớn assess testing requirements for students applying after next year’s cycle,” the website reads.

Mikayla Merin is a news contributor at the ‘Prince.’ She can be reached at or

Harvard, Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Penn, Dartmouth, and Stanford have all recently announced that they will remain kiểm tra optional through the high school class of 2023, with Cornell going a step further remaining thử nghiệm optional through the high school class of 2024, và Harvard through 2026! We expect most every other highly selective institutions to lớn follow suit (with the exception of MIT which recently announced it will require tests).

Our assessment is that TestOptional is here lớn stay, và we are thrilled! At this point, we are recommending that the high school class of 2023 (current 11th graders/rising seniors) still consider taking the ACT or SAT, but whether or not they submit their scores should depend on chạy thử availability và personal performance. Our advice is that: 1. Students should not be engaged in herculean efforts to take a test (e.g., travel great distances lớn find a demo or sacrifice your mental/physical health); 2. If your testscore does not fall within the upper 1/2 range of your desired school OR it doesn’t reflect your academic school performance, you have the option not khổng lồ submit; 3. You must enter the college admissions cycle with your eyes wide open. Remember, if you decide not to lớn submit your chạy thử score, everything else will matter more in the admissions process. Rigor and grades will matter the most supported by a compelling story.

We are encouraged by the number of schools that already haveannounced a kiểm tra optional policy through high school class of 2023 & beyond. Combined with the schools that have been traditionally (and permanently) thử nghiệm optional, there are more thử nghiệm optional choices than ever for the high school class of 2023 & we anticipate more to lớn come.

Since the start of the pandemic, The College Curators have successfully advised100s of students on navigating the test optional environment. We expertly guide our students khổng lồ build a balanced college các mục supported by an authentic & verifiable application.

To mix up a complimentary consultation clickHERE.

List of SAT & ACT demo Optional Colleges for 2022-2023

Allegheny College*