Catholic holy days of obligation are the days on which we’re expected khổng lồ go lớn Mass. This danh sách includes every single Sunday, along with a few additional days. Some feasts, such as Easter, are always celebrated on a Sunday, so they are always obligatory. But when are you supposed to attend Mass outside of Sundays?

What Are the Holy Days of Obligation?

The Code of Canon Law of the Catholic Church says that there are nine holy days of obligation other than Sundays, but it also says that the local conference of bishops may suppress some of them or transfer them khổng lồ a Sunday.

Bạn đang xem: 2023 holy days of obligation and solemnities

Bishops in the United States have suppressed the feast of Saint Joseph và the feast of Saints Peter và Paul as holy days of obligation. In addition, the feast of Epiphany is always celebrated on a Sunday in the U.S. In 2022, Christmas falls on a Sunday, December 25. Since all Sundays are obligatory, it’s not included in the danh sách this year.

While Bishops have lifted the dispensations from the obligation to attend Mass that were in place for much of 2020 and 2021 due lớn the Coronavirus pandemic, one’s Sunday và Holy Day obligation can be dispensed for a just cause. This may include physical illness or having an inability lớn go to lớn Mass, such as being the only caregiver for someone homebound. Catholics are encouraged khổng lồ use their prudential judgment and guidance from their Priests in determining such a dispensation. You are always welcome to lớn join the Oblates of the Virgin Mary community online at daily & Sunday virtual Masses.

US Catholic Holy Days of Obligation for 2023

This leaves us with five holy days of obligation outside of Sundays. The following are holy days of obligation in the U.S. For 2023:

Ascension of Jesus, Thursday, May 18 — Celebrated on the sixth Thursday after Easter Sunday*Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Tuesday, August 15*Solemnity of All Saints, Wednesday, November 1*Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, December 8*Christmas, Monday, December 25*

*An individual bishop may transfer a holy day to a Sunday. This is the case in most US dioceses with the Ascension of Jesus, which is transferred to lớn the Seventh Sunday of Easter. Since the Solemnity of Mary falls on a Saturday and the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls on a Monday this year, they may also be transferred to lớn the closest Sunday. Kiểm tra with your local diocese.


Holy Days Calendar

To make sure you don’t miss Mass on these special days, we created a Google Calendar with the Catholic Holy Days of Obligation for 2022. We invite you to add it to lớn your personal Google Calendar by entering your email address in the size below. You’ll also be subscribed khổng lồ ongoing emails from the Oblates of the Virgin Mary.


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There are a few exceptions to lớn those obligations. If the Solemnity of Mary, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary or the Solemnity of All Saints falls on a Saturday or Monday, the obligation is often lifted & those feasts are celebrated on that Sunday. In 2022, this can be the case for both the Solemnity of Mary & the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

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We’d still encourage you lớn attend Mass on those days, but it would not be considered a holy day of obligation. If you’re ever unsure, kiểm tra with your parish or your diocese’s website lớn see how your diocese approaches a specific holy day of obligation.

Hawaiians also handle Catholic holy days of obligation a bit differently. Since 1992, the only observed holy days of obligation (except Sundays) are the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Christmas.

A Christmas Miracle From An OMV Seminarian


Christmas and the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ holds a special place in the hearts of the faithful as we remember & give thanks for God’s greatest gift. One of our Oblates of the Virgin Mary seminarians, Br. Leland Thorpe, has a special connection to the Christmas story.

“The stable in which Jesus was born was likely dirty, & smelly, và entirely unfitting for a king. A few years ago right at Christmas I was in a place of desolation, & felt like my heart was just like that stable.

But after receiving Communion, the Infant Jesus settled into my heart & made me understand he was glad to be there, just lượt thích he was glad lớn be born in a stable.

Dorothy Day said, ‘I’m so glad that Jesus was born in a stable. Because my soul is so much lượt thích a stable. It is poor and in unsatisfactory condition because of guilt, falsehoods, inadequacies & sin. Yet I believe that if Jesus can be born in a stable, maybe he can also be born in me.’

That was the grace I received in that Communion, and it’s continued lớn be a source of hope và strength for me.”

What Catholic feast days or holy days of obligation are most important to your faith? We’d love lớn hear your stories & discuss special connections in the comments below.