




The CFA Program is a three-part exam that tests the fundamentals of investment tools, valuing assets, portfolio management, và wealth planning. The CFA Program is typically completed by those with backgrounds in finance, accounting, economics, or business. CFA charterholders earn the right to use the CFA designation after program completion, application, và acceptance by CFA Institute. CFA charterholders are qualified to work in senior & executive positions in investment management, risk management, asset management, & more.

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CFA Program Benefits

Designed with your future in mind, the CFA Program provides a strong foundation in advanced investment analysis và real-world portfolio management skills. Ongoing đầu vào from industry experts ensures that the curriculum remains relevant & prepares charterholders khổng lồ enter today’s market.

CFA charterholders occupy a range of investment decision-making roles, typically as a research analyst or portfolio manager. CFA charterholders go on lớn enjoy lifelong careers in asset và wealth management, investment banking, commercial banking, and consulting, alongside a diverse range of career paths in and outside the industry.


Widely considered the apex for professional development in investment management, the CFA designation is valued by employers for roles và functions in every sector of the global finance industry, including portfolio management, analysis, private wealth, và consulting. But the CFA charter also equips professionals with the versatility to take their career paths in different directions.

The full range of job functions includes relationship management và wealth management, credit analysis, chief investment officer, trading, accounting & auditing, & financial planning.

The full range of sectors includes consulting, asset ownership, & brokerage. CFA charterholders are valued in emerging areas of industry growth, such as fintech.


How to lớn Become a CFA Charterholder

Pass CFA Exams

CFA Program contains three levels of curriculum, each with its own exam. Passing the exam for all three levels is a requirement to lớn obtain the CFA charter. 

Achieve Qualified Work Experience

Complete work experience requirements before, during, or after participation in CFA Program. Your experience must be directly involved with the investment decision-making process or producing a work hàng hóa that informs or adds value to that process.

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Submit Reference Letters

In tư vấn of your membership application, you will need lớn provide 2-3 professional references. References will be asked to bình luận on your work experience & professional character. 

Apply to lớn Become a Charterholder

Apply to become a regular member of CFA Institute. Once your application is approved và you have joined CFA Institute, you will have earned the CFA charter. 


Enrollment Criteria & Requirements for CFA Program

To become a CFA candidate, you must enroll in CFA Program và register for the màn chơi I exam. In order lớn enroll you must meet all of the qualifications listed below. We have provided helpful information below lớn guide you through the enrollment process & to keep you on track for registration.

1. Meet One of the Following Enrollment Requirements

- Bachelor"s Degree: Complete a bachelor"s program or equivalent program và have received a degree from the college/university. If you are not sure if your program is comparable, consult your college or university.

- Student in Final Year: Your selected exam window must be 11 months or fewer before your graduation month for your bachelor’s degree or equivalent program. Understand that you must complete your degree program prior lớn the date of sitting your cấp độ II exam.

Professional Work Experience: Have a combination of 4,000 hours of work experience and/or higher education that was acquired over a minimum of three sequential years and achieved by the date of registering for the màn chơi I exam. The dates of education and professional work experience cannot be overlapping. If you have a combination of work experience & higher education lớn achieve the minimum hours & years, assume that higher education takes 1,000 hours per year. Professional work experience does not need to lớn be investment related. Internships/articleships are accepted if they are paid. Work experience with your own business or your family business will qualify only if it is professional experience for which you are paid. What does professional work experience mean? Professional work experience requires specialized knowledge, education, or advanced skills. Professional work experience requires the application of higher-level judgement and business skills, including: Leadership và teamwork, Business communications, Critical thinking và problem solving, Time management, Professional judgement, Analytical skills, Adaptability

Candidates applying lớn register for CFA Program without completing a bachelor’s degree must honestly evaluate whether their professional work experience has equipped them for the significant volume và depth of study demanded by CFA Program. 

Please lưu ý that CFA Institute may request proof of education (copy of diploma, marksheet, any other relevant documents) and/or work experience (letter of employment, salary slips, any other relevant documents) to be submitted at any stage of your journey as a candidate or even after becoming a member in order to lớn demonstrate entrance requirements were met. Failure to provide requested documentation relevant khổng lồ entrance requirements may result in cancellation of a current exam registration, withholding of exam results, voiding of past exam results, and may lead to investigation và disciplinary action by the CFA Institute Professional Conduct Program.

2. Have an International Travel Passport 

CFA Institute requires that every CFA Program candidate have a valid international travel passport. Those without a passport will not be able lớn register or sit for exams. 

3. Be Prepared to lớn Take Exams in English

CFA Program exams are only offered in English. Exams require English proficiency for reading comprehension và formulating answers lớn complex financial scenarios.

4. Meet the Professional Conduct Admission Criteria

All candidates in CFA Program must complete a Professional Conduct Statement size to attest that they are in compliance with this requirement.

5. Live in a Participating Country

There are some countries with which CFA Institute cannot work. Review the OFAC Policy to kiểm tra if there are any sanctions on your country.