"If you have lost a loved one, even if you think you are finished grieving, this book will remind you of your beautiful memories & remind you of the enduring love you have for that person. Love is eternal."―Something

"Everybody grieves differently. The pain that stifles và bends & incapacitates is the one to lớn be dealt with on a very personal, deep soulful level. Joanne Fink who has gone through the death of her husband early in her life discusses the principles and ways she has figured out and discovered for herself during her journey through the years without her beloved."―Celebrate Woman Today

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An incredible gift of comfort for anyone who has lost a loved one.

Bạn đang xem: Love you love you

116 pagesexpressing the journey of grief, as well as hope and comfort for the future, with the look & feel of a condolence greeting cardLife-affirming insightsfrom the personal grief journal of award-winning artist Joanne FinkExpressive sentimentsto accompany the bereaved through the many emotions and stages of lossBeautiful illustrationsfrom Joanne on every page, starting as line drawings and slowly incorporating colorComforting messagesof gentle healing for the universal experience of grief & loss

Providing gentle comfort và healing with life-affirming insights from the personal grief journal of award-winning artist, tác giả Joanne Fink,When You thua Someone You Loveis a beautiful 116-page book with the look và feel of a very personal & empathetic greeting card. Filled with expressive sentiments & beautiful illustrations, this special và heartfelt book offers a healing connection with all who have suffered a loss and are in mourning.

Everyone who has lost a loved one—whether recently or years ago—will connect with the thoughtful sentiments và beautifully simple illustrations inside this book. Joanne journaled this book as a way of dealing with her own unimaginable loss.

Page by page, you"ll understand that you are not alone; that there will be days when you feel overwhelmed, nights when you can"t sleep, and times when waves of sadness wash over you unexpectedly. Affirming and cathartic, this comforting book will help bring healing without sugarcoating the devastating heartbreak & challenges of losing a loved one.

When You thảm bại Someone You Lovemakes a perfect sympathy gift for someone you care about, offering comfort, hope, and healing to lớn anyone who endures the journey of losing a spouse, family member, or close friend.

"Everyone"s grief journey is different... Và the ability to emerge with your soul intact is dependent upon your willingness to bởi vì the excruciatingly difficult work that grieving requires. It is a long & lonely process, & no-one can accept the reality of YOUR loss for YOU... It is something that you must vì chưng for yourself. One of the things I"ve learned on my journey is that love is a force so powerful that it transcends death." —Joanne Fink

Do you want lớn learn to say I Love You in Vietnamese khổng lồ your Vietnamese partner or to lớn your friends? Be careful! Because the Vietnamese culture is different from the Western cultures, you may create some misunderstanding if you vày not use appropriate phrases. That is why today I’m going khổng lồ show you how lớn express your love lớn different people properly in Vietnamese culture.

Saying I Love You In Vietnamese lớn Your Partner

If you have a Vietnamese partner, congratulations! She or he can help you learn the Vietnamese language and Vietnamese culture frequently. Imagine one day you can impress your Vietnamese lover by saying “I love you” in Vietnamese. I’m sure your partner will feel so touched when you say that. It doesn’t mean she or he cannot feel love when you say it in English, but people usually feel it more when you speak in their native language.

In this case, “I Love You” in English can be translated into the following Vietnamese phrases:

Say “Anh yêu thương em” lớn a woman if you are a man.

Say “Em yêu anh” lớn a man if you are a woman.

If you have read my article about How to say Hello in Vietnamese, you would have known that we have many pronouns in Vietnamese. “Anh” is just one of the pronouns used for “a man” & “Em” is also just one of the pronouns used for “a woman”. In Vietnamese culture, when in a relationship, a man prefers to be called “Anh” lớn mean that he can protect his woman.

How lớn Say I Love You In Vietnamese lớn Your Family Members?

“Love” is translated as “Yêu” in Vietnamese. So, to say I Love You khổng lồ your family members, you can combine the word “yêu” with the pronouns to call your mom, dad, brothers, và sisters. For example:

“Con yêu bố” – lớn say to lớn your dad in a Vietnamese Northern accent. You can replace “bố” with “ba” if you want lớn say it in the Southern accent.

“Con yêu mẹ” – khổng lồ say lớn your mom in a Vietnamese Northern accent. You can replace “mẹ” with “má” if you want to say it in the Southern accent.

“Em yêu chị” – lớn say khổng lồ your older sister.

“Em yêu anh” – to say to lớn your older brother.

“Chị yêu thương em” – to lớn say to your younger sister or brother, if you are a female.

“Anh yêu em” – to lớn say to lớn your younger sister or brother, if you are a male.

“Con yêu thương bà” or “Cháu yêu thương bà” – to lớn say to lớn your grandma. 

Do Vietnamese People Say I Love You to lớn Friends?

If you guys are the same age and you lượt thích him or her, but both of you are not in a relationship yet, there are many different ways to lớn express your love.

“Tôi yêu thương bạn” or “Tôi yêu cậu”

“Tớ yêu bạn” or “Tớ yêu cậu”

“Mình yêu thương bạn” or “Mình yêu thương cậu”

So you can use “tôi”, “tớ”, or “mình” to gọi yourself, & use “bạn” or “cậu” to gọi your ‘friend.’

There is an informal way lớn say “I love you” to lớn your friend, which is “Tao yêu thương mày.” You should only say that when both of you are very close.

If you guys are just regular friends and don’t have any thắm thiết feelings towards each other, don’t use the word “yêu”. Instead, use the word “quý”, “mến” or “thích” instead. For instance:

“Tớ quý bạn”

“Tao quý mày”

“Tôi quí bạn”

“Tớ thích hợp cậu”


More romantic Phrases In Vietnamese to Learn

There are many alternative ways khổng lồ say sweet things to your loved one. The các mục of common Vietnamese thắm thiết phrases is listed below:

I like You

Male speaker: Anh mê say em.

Female speaker: Em ham mê anh.

I like You Very Much

Male speaker: Anh mê thích em các lắm.

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Female speaker: Em mê thích anh nhiều lắm.

I Love You So Much, Or I Love You Very Much

Male speaker: Anh yêu thương em khôn xiết nhiều.

Female speaker: Em yêu anh khôn xiết nhiều.

I Love You Too

Male speaker: Anh cũng yêu thương em.

Female speaker: Em cũng yêu thương anh.

I Love You More

Male speaker: Anh yêu em các hơn.

Female speaker: Em yêu thương anh nhiều hơn.

I Miss You

Male speaker: Anh lưu giữ em.

Female speaker: Em nhớ anh.

I Have Got A Crush On You

Male speaker: Anh bao gồm tình cảm cùng với em. You can also say “Anh cảm nắng và nóng em”.

Female speaker: Em gồm tình cảm với anh. You can also say “Em cảm nắng nóng anh”.

I’m In Love With You

Male speaker: Anh yêu em mất rồi.

Female speaker: Em yêu thương anh mất rồi.


What To hotline Someone You Love In Vietnamese

There are many ways to điện thoại tư vấn someone you love in the Vietnamese language. There is no rule for calling your lover. It is up to you to gọi him or her in the way both of you lượt thích to do. For example:

My dear, Honey, Darling, Sweet Heart

Anh yêu thương (to điện thoại tư vấn the man) và Em yêu (to call the woman)

Mình – it means that you consider your lover as yourself

Boyfriend và Girlfriend

“Bạn trai” is used to điện thoại tư vấn the boyfriend. “Bạn gái” is used to gọi the girlfriend.

My Partner, Wife, Husband

If you have got married, you can call your wife or husband “Bạn đời”. This phrase is literally translated as “A lifetime friend”. You can also use the word “Vợ” to hotline your wife (if any) & “Chồng” to hotline your husband (if any).

Vietnamese people also gọi their husband or wife “Nhà”. “Nhà” means “a house” or “home”. So, it sounds sweet when you consider your husband or wife your “home” where you will be back after a long working day.

Friends With Benefits (FWB)

Friends With Benefits (FWB) is still quite new khổng lồ the Vietnamese culture. You can call your partner “Người tình” or “Tình nhân” which sounds like you just need that person to have some memorable nights rather than a formal relationship.

A Person Who Is In A Love Affair

A love affair is called “Ngoại tình” or “Bồ bịch” in Vietnamese. If a man has a love affair, people will say “Anh đó ngoại tình” or “Anh đó cặp bồ” (That man has a love affair). The woman who is in love with the man but is not his wife will be called “Bồ“. Kindly lưu ý that “Bồ” also means friend in the Southern Vietnamese dialect.

Express Your Love In The Vietnamese Culture

Depending on where you stay in Vietnam, people have different ways of expressing their feelings lớn their lovers. For example, it seems lớn be more mở cửa in big cities such as Hanoi and Ho đưa ra Minh đô thị than in smaller cities or rural areas. General speaking, Vietnamese people don’t often express their love so much in public.

In a typical Vietnamese family, people don’t say “I love you” regularly. Instead, they will show that they care about their family members by questioning or giving advice, or buying gifts.

If you have a Vietnamese boyfriend or girlfriend, don’t say “I love you” to lớn your regular friends in daily conversations. Your lover might think that you really “love” your friend because “love” means “yêu” in Vietnamese, & “yêu” is a serious phrase to express their love.

If you want to lớn learn more about lãng mạn Vietnamese phrases similar to “I love you” in Vietnamese or phrases for a date, check out the Ling app & learn from Vietnamese native speakers. You can download it now on the app Store or Play Store và chat with your Vietnamese friends!