Facebook’s instant messaging tiện ích is an excellent choice for i
Phone users. It is particularly useful for group chats and video clip calling. It ticks the entertainment và functionality boxes, with plenty of fun stickers (Pusheen the cat is a big favorite) & gifs as well as location services. Facebook has also cleaned up its privacy agreements with new “Secret Messages”. Best of all, you don’t even need a Facebook trương mục to use the app!

Messenger allows for instant chatting, live video clip and không tính tiền calls in a handy i
Phone app.

Bạn đang xem: Tải messenger cho ios 7

Messenger takes Facebook from your laptop to your pocket: communicate on the go!

Facebook users will love the Messenger app. Simply pop it onto your i
Phone, and you will never have khổng lồ log out! You can chat with friends on the go, start group conversations (great for organizing events), and take advantage of the location pins to lớn send your live location. The latest version has a stripped down & clean aesthetic, with a minimalist white & blue interface (or the option of putting it in “Dark Mode”). Open the app & you will see three buttons at the bottom: Chats, People, & Discover. The first brings up all your chats, “People” will let you see who is online và use “Discover” as an infotainment center for pleasure or business. “Funnybot” will send you a joke a day! Communication is easy. Swipe left khổng lồ delete, archive a message or mark it as spam, or mute a thread altogether.

The ứng dụng is highly interactive. You can see if your message has been read, & when the recipient is writing back. More than just text, you can also order an Uber, send photos, clip clips, & take advantage of the fun library of silly stickers! i
Phone users who are familiar with the inbuilt messenger app, remember with Facebook Messenger you can’t place the stickers anywhere around the messages. For instant & easy communication Messenger is an excellent app. You will be alerted immediately for any new messages or notifications (although you can mute those busy threads). Are your conversations safe? Facebook và privacy are seldom confused as synonyms. Messenger does however have a “Secret Conversations” mode which protects your messages by end-to-end-encryption. This mode is slightly more basic, but ensures your messages are protected from third parties.

The tiện ích is not without its pitfalls. Some people may find the phầm mềm almost too easy lớn use. The endless chat on group threads can cause your phone to light up with nonstop push notifications, although these can be switched off. The đoạn phim calls only allow two people at a time. Also the lack of status features is an annoying flaw, as you cannot indicate that you are away or unavailable. The privacy allowed by the Secret Conversations mode is great, but it is a bit of a palaver lớn set up. It’s a fairly big tiện ích - 275.7 MB - và the location feature does drain the battery. Be warned too, that the world’s most popular social messaging price does come with a privacy price tag. Installing the ứng dụng will require some pretty aggressive permissions. You will have to let the app record phone calls, change the network, & more.

Where can you run this program?

This review is tackling the Messenger phầm mềm for i
Phone. You will need i
OS 9.0 or higher. It will run on i
Phone, i
Pod Touch, and your i
Pad. Android users bởi vì not panic, there are also versions for your smartphones and tablets. You can also download the Messenger ứng dụng on Windows phone. Being the Facebook messaging service means the majority of users will have an account. You vày not have to use Facebook lớn sign up however, you can get the phầm mềm just by using your phone number.

Is there a better alternative?

For instant communication via text, video or voice calls, Whats
App is a more efficient alternative. Other social messaging apps are stripped of the “check who’s online” feature of the Messenger app. Skype is good for group calls, while Webex and Zoom are corporate favorites for conference calls. Alternatives such as Whats
App, Telegram, & even the inbuilt i
Phone messaging app provide all the same communication tools without the distracting (or entertaining) extras and shady privacy options. For ultra private communication, Telegram và Signal ensure that your data is securely encrypted. If it is fun and giddy chat you are after, then Snapchat is the emoji King. Of course if it’s purely sharing images, then Instagram is the go to ứng dụng for creating beautiful shots with a huge range of filters. Bear in mind that Messenger, Whats
App, and Instagram are all owned by Facebook.

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Our take

If you use Facebook & you need to communicate on the go, then the Messenger ứng dụng is an easy choice. In order lớn read your messages on your phone, you are often requested to tải về the app first. This may strong arm you into using an ứng dụng where the website version would do, but in fact the sleek and clean interface of the phầm mềm is much easier lớn use on your phone screen. It is packed with features for instant chat: from không tính phí voice calls khổng lồ sending up to 15 seconds of video. For conversations with fellow Facebook users, this tiện ích is hard to lớn beat. If privacy is a concern, vày be aware of the need for the separate private mode.

Should you download it?

Yes, if you use Facebook frequently & you want fun and instant communication, this phầm mềm is a neat option.

Messenger phiên bản cũ mang lại i
đem lại sự ổn định hơn, thướt tha hơn và đỡ tốn tài nguyên khi sử dụng, tiếp tục bài viết này mình đã hướng dẫn các bạn cách mua Messenger phiên bạn dạng cũ đến i
OS với cách setup Messenger bản cũ đến i
Phone, i


Phone, i
Pad dễ dàng nhất

Messenger là áp dụng được bóc tách riêng của facebook để vấn đề nhắn tin, gọi video clip dễ dàng hơn tuy vậy với phiên bạn dạng mới nhất thì sẽ không được định hình và hơi nặng do đó với câu hỏi cách quay lại Messenger phiên bạn dạng cũ sẽ đem lại ổn định hơn và dung tích ít hơn.

Tải Messenger phiên bạn dạng cũ mang đến i

Messenger 15.0Messenger 16.0Messenger 21.0Messenger 22.0Messenger 24.0Messenger 25.0Messenger 26.0Messenger 27.0Messenger 28.0Messenger 30.0Messenger 32.0Messenger 35.0Messenger 45.0Messenger 48.0Messenger 50.0Messenger 51.0Messenger 53.0Messenger 54.0Messenger 55.0Messenger 58.0Messenger 60.0Messenger 62.0Messenger 65.0Messenger 68.0Messenger 70.0Messenger 76Messenger 80.0Messenger 82.0 (i
OS 7)Messenger 85.0Messenger 90.0Messenger 95.0Messenger 100.0Messenger 105.0Messenger 110.0Messenger 115.0Messenger 120.0Messenger 126.0Messenger 130.0Messenger 135.0Messenger 140.0Messenger 145.0Messenger 150.0Messenger 156.0Messenger 160.0Messenger 165.0Messenger 170.0Download
Phiên bảnLink tải
Messenger 10.0 (i
OS 5)

Cách thiết đặt Messenger phiên phiên bản cũ đến i
Phone, i

Bắt buộc thực hiện trình chăm bẵm Safari trên điện thoại.Tìm phiên phiên bản thích hợp.Chọn phiên bạn dạng và cài đặt, thừa trình thiết lập nhanh hay chậm rì rì tùy trực thuộc vào dung tích app đó.Tải kết thúc đăng nhập thông tin tài khoản Apple ID của nhanluchungvuong.edu.vn với sử dụng.

Chi tiết: hướng dẫn thiết lập và thiết lập ứng dụng phiên phiên bản cũ cho i

Với cách đơn giản dễ dàng trên chúng ta đã dễ dàng setup Messenger phiên bản cũ mang đến i
Phone, i