For travel to the United States on a temporary basis, including tourism, temporary employment, study & exchange.

Bạn đang xem: The diversity visa ("green card") lottery


U.S. Citizens with emergencies, please điện thoại tư vấn +30-210-721-2951

Outside of Office Hours, contact: +30 210 721 2951

Outside of 1-888-407-4747


"USA và Celebrating 200 Years of Friendship” chiến dịch announced by U.S. Ambassador lớn Geoffrey R. Pyatt on January 14, 2021 will include educational & cultural events across that will highlight our two countries’ historic relationship and the ties that bind us: democracy, partnership, & shared values.


Learn more about quality higher-education opportunities in the U.S. That you will not find anywhere else in the world.


43 Tsimiski, 7th Floor

546 23 Thessaloniki

phone: +30 2310 242 905, +30 2310 376 300


The Act of 1990 established the Diversity Visa (DV), which makes up lớn 55,000 visas available through random selection. The allows those from countries with low rates to the United States; khổng lồ enter for a chance lớn apply for a U.S. visa.

To apply for this visa, follow the steps on the Diversity Visa website. Please also click on DV Instructions for specific và updated guidance.

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Review local instructions. Please reviews all local instructions for the interview on our website. Please lưu ý that some of the information included in these instructions may apply khổng lồ visa classifications other than diversity visas. If you have questions about the country-specific information included here, please contact the embassy, consulate, or office providing consular services where you will apply for your visa.Schedule a medical examination. Schedule a medical examination with the U.S. Embassy, Consulate, or office providing consular services approved physician at least 15 days before your visa interview. Please locate the list of approved physicians on our website.Follow post-interview instructions. Please click here for general information on the “after the interview” process. Please send any questions to lớn the U.S. Embassy, Consulate, or office providing consular services at which you interviewed.

Additional Notices lớn Applicant:All entries must be submitted electronically during the specified registration period in the DV Instructions. No late entries or paper entries are accepted. The law allows only one entry by or for each person during each registration period. The Department of State uses sophisticated giải pháp công nghệ to detect multiple entries. If you submit more than one entry you will be disqualified.

Beware of fraud & scams. Some websites và emails attempt khổng lồ mislead customers, posing as providers of official U.S. Government information. Read our Fraud Warning for more information.

Complete your own application. The online entry application is easy & free.