Notification on KYC Update DRUK PNB bank Ltd would like to URGENTLY inform all our valued customers to visit your nearest DPNBL Branch office to update your latest KYC information as per the Banks Customer Info Update size - KYC.

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You may tải về the KYC – Customer Info Update form through the following links and submit khổng lồ your nearest DPNBL Branch office.

PUBLIC NOTIFICATION ON MULE ACCOUNT’SIn line with RMA’s notification on mule account & money mule Druk PNB bank would like to inform our customers that a `Mule Account` is a ngân hàng account belonging lớn a legitimate person who has trương mục to be used by another person turns the legitimate bank account into a `Mule Account`.

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NOTIFICATION ( In Reference to FERR2020)Druk PNB ngân hàng Ltd would lượt thích to notify all its valued customers/importers that asper ‘Section 24 và 25 of the Foreign Exchange Rules and Regulation 2020’ (FERR2020),importers executing advance payments against the import goods from India andCountries other than India (COTI) are required to lớn submit the documentary evidence(Customs Declaration Form) of goods having entered the country within 180 daysfrom the time of executing the advance payments.

We request all to download our new sản phẩm điện thoại app và start using it. Please điện thoại tư vấn our Hot Line No. 1313 or you can find the contact of our nearest branch in our trang web for support.

Public Notification on Online Lottery và OTP Scam

Don’t respond to calls, emails, or messages on lottery claimsNever cốt truyện your OTP to lớn anyone via emails/call or any medium of communication even lớn your known ones.Read the OTP messages khổng lồ confirm if it is for an activity you have carried out. Check the sender details of the OTP.Remember your service provider will never ask you to cốt truyện your OTP.Do not chia sẻ your account no, CID no, user ID,Phone no, và OTP.

Unclaimed Dividends as on 07.11.2022

Posted on December 13th, 2022 read more

Vacancy Announcement

Posted on October 13th, 2022

Druk PNB bank Limited is pleased to lớn announce the following post vacancies for posting at its various Branch...

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Posted on August 17th, 2022

Please find the Quarterly-Disclosure-June-2022 in below links Click Here for Details