sau thời điểm bị xua đuổi khỏi khách sạn ma không còn có lời báo trước, Yeo Jin Goo đã cả quyết trở lại bất chấp sự bội nghịch đối của IU, đồng thời nhận thấy ảo ảnh đáng sợ mà anh hoàn toàn có thể sẽ buộc phải đối mặt sau khi ngừng nhiệm vụ trong tập 9 hotel Del Luna.

Trong tập 9 khách sạn Del Luna (tạm dịch: Khách Sạn Ma Quái), tỉnh lại sau khoản thời gian ngất xỉu vì lời nguyền quỷ ám, Goo Chan Sung (Yeo Jin Goo) phân phát hiện khách sạn Luna và Jang Man Wol (IU) đã biến mất không một dấu vết. đàn ông quản lí ngay lập tức đến bên chị em thần Ma Go để tìm biện pháp quay trở lại Luna. Dù biết rõ Jang Man Wol rời đi và bỏ lại mình bởi cảm thấy có lỗi, chấp nhận trả lại tự vày như anh ao ước muốn trước đây, Goo Chan Sung đã từ chối loại thuốc có thể đưa bản thân bản thân trở về bình thường. Tuy nhiên, quý ông quản lí chẳng thể dễ dàng chối bỏ tình cảm của mình đối với bà chủ khách hàng sạn ma Luna.

Goo Chan Sung đã nhận được loại thuốc xóa bỏ khả năng nhìn thấy hồn ma.

Bạn đang xem: Hotel del luna

Khi anh chàng tìm tới chị em thần Ma Go để tra cứu kiếm Jang Man Wol cùng khách sạn Luna.

Goo Chan Sung tìm giải pháp trở lại khách sạn Luna dù Jang Man Wol một mực phản đối

Sau lúc chuyển tới vùng đất mới, Jang Man Wol bất đắc dĩ gặp phải vô vàn vấn đề "đời thực". Chẳng ai ngờ gồm một ngày, cô phụ nữ vô lo vô nghĩ Jang Man Wol lại phải lo lắng về thuế chuyển nhượng với thừa kế nếu muốn chào bán lại vùng đất cũ. Cho dù được gợi ý liên lạc với quản lí Goo Chan Sung để tìm kiếm sự góp đỡ, Jang Man Wol một mực ko đồng ý cùng quả quyết cắt đứt mọi liên hệ.

Goo Chan Sung thuyết phục Jang Man Wol cho chính mình trở lại khách sạn Luna.

Jang Man Wol tuyệt tình ko để "crush" quay trở lại vị muốn chàng trai quay trở lại cuộc sống bình thường.

Không lâu sau đó, chủ tịch cũ của Goo Chan Sung mất. Con trai quản lí gặp lại ông tại công ty mình mặt cạnh bức tranh núi Baekdu.

Nhờ gồm chủ tịch dẫn đường, Goo Chan Sung đã có cơ hội trở lại khách sạn Luna.

Khách mời đặc biệt xuất hiện tại Luna, người giúp Goo Chan Sung chú ý thấy nỗi sợ hãi lớn nhất của mình

Trở lại khách sạn Luna, Goo Chan Sung đã phạm phải không nên lầm lúc để thần giếng (Nam domain authority Reum) vào trong khách sạn trong những khi chàng lễ tân Ji Hyun Joong (P.O) vẫn chưa chuyển tới vùng đất mới. Luna thuộc phạm vi quản lí của thần Ma Go, vày vậy, nếu như không có sự chất nhận được của người từ phía mặt trong, linh hồn những vị thần sẽ bước chân qua cánh cửa.

Nam da Reum xuất hiện đặc biệt vào tập 9 với vai thần giếng.

Goo Chan Sung khiến Jang Man Wol điên đầu vày để linh hồn thần linh vào phía bên trong khách sạn.

Trong khi phía bên phía ngoài mất nước, khách sạn Luna lại trở thành bể nước.

Khiến Luna hỗn loạn nhưng không thể đuổi đi, thần giếng sau đó đã yêu cầu Goo Chan Sung đến gặp mình. Lo sợ thần giếng sẽ có tác dụng hại người thương, Jang Man Wol đã quán triệt phép chàng trai tự ý xử lí mọi việc.

Tuy nhiên, mọi vấn đề đã được giải quyết khi Goo Chan Sung hiểu rõ được nỗi lòng của thần giếng cùng tìm ra nơi trú thân mang đến thần thay vị ở lại Luna. Mặt cạnh đó, mẫu giá phải trả để nhìn thấy nỗi sợ của thần giếng là nỗi sợ của bao gồm Goo Chan Sung, chàng trai đã nhìn thấy nỗi ám ảnh lớn nhất của cuộc đời mình. Trong ảo ảnh đó, Jang Man Wol đứng bên cây liễu với tan biến vào hư vô.

Goo Chan Sung ngăn Jang Man Wol kiếm tìm người thường để thế chỗ Goo Chan Sung vào gặp thần giếng.

Bản năng bảo vệ của Jang Man Wol tiếp tục lộ rõ sự gay gắt hơn, cô cương quyết ko để Goo Chan Sung bước vào căn chống đó.

Tuy nhiên, Goo Chan Sung đã thuyết phục Jang Man Wol thành công và gặp mặt thần giếng theo như yêu cầu.

Để trả giá đến việc quan sát thấy nỗi sợ của thần giếng, Goo Chan Sung đã quan sát thấy nỗi sợ lớn nhất của mình.

Nỗi sợ của Goo Chan Sung liệu tất cả thực sự thành sự thật?

Goo Chan Sung đã ném thuốc quý xuống nước tức thì trước mắt Jang Man Wol. Anh muốn được bà chủ khách hàng sạn Luna tiếp tục bảo vệ và có thể ở bên cô.

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Kiếp sau của Yeon Woo bao gồm thức lộ diện

Trước lúc Goo Chan Sung trở lại, Yu na (Kang Mina) đã được Jang Man Wol "nhắm" trở thành người thường cụ thế mang đến vị trí Goo Chan Sung tại Luna. Trên đường tới nơi tọa lạc mới, Yu Na với Ji Hyun Joong đã bắt gặp một linh hồn kêu cứu. Yu mãng cầu đã ko thể bỏ qua linh hồn oan khuất mà lại yêu cầu bác tài xế đuổi theo đến đến khi vào sâu vào rừng. Lúc dừng chân để tìm kiếm kiếm sự giúp đỡ vày xe hỏng, cả nhì đã search thấy một “rừng người” chết oan và bị chôn sâu dưới đất, đưa về khách hàng sạn Luna.

Và gồm vẻ người lái xe đó là thủ phạm tạo ra cái chết của linh hồn kêu cứu.

Yu Na với Ji Hyun Joong tìm thấy sản phẩm loạt xác chết nhờ sự dẫn đường của linh hồn.

Cũng vào tập 9, kiếp sau của Yeon Woo đã xuất hiện dưới thân phận một cảnh sát, đảm nhiệm vụ án mà Ji Hyun Joong cùng Yuna kiếm tìm thấy khi được những linh hồn dẫn vào vào rừng. Hơn nữa, kẻ đã giấu xác 5 người đó chính là một trong những người bạn thuộc nhóm với Lee ngươi Ra và Sanchez, đồng thời là kẻ đang muốn tra cứu gặp Goo Chan Sung. Dựa vào thái độ dè chừng của Sanchez, mối quan hệ giữa Goo Chan Sung cùng nhân vật mới này chắc chắn đã tất cả chuyện ko thể nói ra.

Kiếp sau của Yeon Woo cuối cùng cũng xuất hiện cùng là cảnh gần kề đảm nhận vụ án mà Yu mãng cầu đã search ra.

Sanchez tỏ thái độ khá sốc cùng dè chừng khi thấy người quen thuộc cũ.

hotel Del Luna tiếp tục được phát sóng vào 19h00 (giờ Việt Nam) thứ 7, Chủ Nhật trên kênh truyền hình tv

CEO IU đổi thay hình ác nữ, nguyền rủa kẻ thù kiêm "tình địch truyền kiếp" bằng chiêu "khẩu nghiệp" ngay hotel Del Luna
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In this dark fantasy drama, a women runs a khách sạn for souls & ghosts who are passing into the afterlife. At the hotel, they must giảm giá with any unfinished business & the ties that are holding them back. A new assistant manager starts at the khách sạn who is afraid of ghosts.

In this dark fantasy drama, a women runs a khách sạn for souls và ghosts who are passing into the afterlife. At the hotel, they must khuyễn mãi giảm giá with any unfinished business and the ties that are holding them back. A new assistant manager starts at the khách sạn who is afraid of ghosts.

Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8 Episode 9 Episode 10 Episode 11 Episode 12 Episode 13 Episode 14 Episode 15 Episode 16 (Final)

Hotel del Luna: Episode 9

by Lolly


Everything gets a lot more complicated when feelings are involved, though only one of our star-crossed pair is willing lớn admit it. He’s unwilling lớn be tossed aside, not even for his own good, even if it means making a nuisance of himself. But as the past starts lớn catch up khổng lồ them, a new threat arises, one that’s much scarier than any ghost or vengeful spirit.



After stopping Man-wol from cursing Mi-ra, Chan-sung wakes to find khách sạn del Luna, Man-wol, & all its occupants gone. He asks a little girl if she can see the building and she nods, but her parents act lượt thích it’s the first time they’ve noticed it there.

Man-wol isn’t far — she and Bartender Kim watch Chan-sung from across the street. Bartender Kim says that Chan-sung must just be the ninety-nineth human employee to lớn her, but Man-wol admits that he’s special và says she’s trying not khổng lồ let her heart weaken.

The devolve into bickering over why Bartender Kim is still hanging around after five hundreds years. He says he still has shame to clear up before he can face his ancestors, but Man-wol scoffs that they’ve all probably reincarnated several times over by now. Bartender Kim asks if Man-wol is willing lớn give up her chance at the afterlife through Chan-sung, và she says she won’t give it up easily.


Bartender Kim reports that the guests who were ready were sent on to the afterlife, though there was some confusion due to lớn the hotel’s sudden move. The coffee ghost had been conflicted since he still hasn’t finished his novel. Seo-hee told Bartender Kim that his problem wasn’t the novel, but his inability to lớn accept that he’d never finish it.

They’ve lost several employees who decided they were ready to lớn move on, but Man-wol decides not to lớn hire any new staff and just have Yoo-na act as manager. Yoo-na and Hyun-joong ride with the moving company carrying Man-wol’s things, Yoo-na pretending she’s on the phone so the driver doesn’t think she’s talking khổng lồ herself.

She tells Hyun-joong of her plans lớn get her driver’s license, since her parents have promised khổng lồ get her a car và her own place when she graduates. Hyun-joong asks if it’s difficult living with someone else’s parents, but Yoo-na sighs that it’s the high price she’s paying.


As they’re traveling, Yoo-na notices a bloody female ghost in the backseat of another car. Hyun-joong covers Yoo-na’s eyes, but the radio suddenly goes static & a woman’s voice can be heard pleading for help. Yoo-na decides that as manager of hotel del Luna, she wants khổng lồ accept the ghost as their guest, so she offers the driver extra money to lớn follow the car.

Chan-sung goes to lớn see Mago’s serious sister, hoping for some answers. The sister mentions that absorbing Man-wol’s curse nearly killed him, & she says that if he hadn’t unraveled it, his soul would have been wounded. Chan-sung states that Man-wol protected him, but the sister counters that he’s the one who protected Man-wol.

She murmurs that her sister picked the right person and tells him to lớn keep up the good work. Chan-sung asks if he was sent to lớn the hotel to protect Man-wol when her fate catches up lớn her, và he admits that he feels pity for the Man-wol he sees in his dreams. He says he’s angry, and asks if he’s supposed lớn keep getting in Man-wol’s way when she tossed him aside.


She says that getting in the way, holding on, & begging can only be done by a good person. Chan-sung snaps that he’s not a good person, so the sister tells him khổng lồ quit. She gives him some medicine that will revoke his ability to lớn see ghosts và the hotel, saying that this is Chan-sung’s chance khổng lồ abandon Man-wol in return.

Chan-sung says he came here looking for Man-wol, but the sister says that it’s up to lớn him what to do. Chan-sung starts khổng lồ take the medicine và she asks if he wants lớn think about it, but Chan-sung repeats that he’s not a good enough person for the role they want him to play. Still, he admits, “I hesitate only because she’s in my heart.”

He says it’s not enough to comfort Man-wol, who’s an awful woman that abandoned him when he got in the way và won’t welcome him if he returns. But he agrees khổng lồ think about whether he likes her enough lớn run back & beg her khổng lồ accept him. As he leaves, Mago’s sister smiles.


The new khách sạn location is out in the country, & Man-wol sneers that it’s small & ugly. Seo-hee says it’s all they could afford, but at least it’s dark và damp, hee. Bartender Kim mentions that the area is famous for its makgeolli, but that only reminds Man-wol of her poor days and makes her grouchier.

She tells herself that at least the inside is always the same, but she immediately notices that the lobby is smaller. She can’t even have champagne by the Moon Tree because her things haven’t yet arrived, and she snarls that Bartender Kim has the memory of a goldfish when he mentions the makgeolli again.

After she leaves, Bartender Kim bristles at the way she’s treating him. He grumbles at what she did khổng lồ Mi-ra & about her firing Chan-sung, và Seo-hee agrees that she’s worried Man-wol will bởi vì something else dangerous without a human around who can stop her.


Man-wol finds Mago waiting for her at the Moon Tree, pleased that it still has its leaves. Man-wol asks if Mago made sure Chan-sung can’t see ghosts anymore, & Mago says she gave him the medicine. She says that she gave Man-wol her way because she asked nicely for the first time, but it’s Chan-sung’s decision whether khổng lồ take the medicine or not.

Man-wol asks for another favor — for Mago lớn get rid of the blue flower buds on the Moon Tree. Mago says it’s not in her power because the buds are Man-wol’s feelings, so it’s up khổng lồ her lớn bloom them. Man-wol snaps that she’ll never see those xanh flowers, but Mago just chuckles at her.

Chan-sung visits the old khách sạn location that night, but it’s dark and empty. He considers taking the medicine, but he’s distracted when a firefly starts flitting around his head. It transforms into a vaguely human-like shape, and Chan-sung tells it that the khách sạn isn’t here anymore.


It changes back into a firefly and flies away, and suddenly the lights come on. Chan-sung turns khổng lồ see a man in the doorway… ha, he’s just a realtor here to take pictures. Alarmed at the idea of the hotel being sold, Chan-sung says that the building has a lot of issues.

Man-wol gets a call from the realtor asking if she paid the inheritance tax on the old khách sạn building. She has no idea, but she forbids Seo-hee from calling Chan-sung to ask. Luckily there’s a ghost in residence who used to work for a huge law firm, and he explains that Manager Noh was technically the hotel’s owner and he left it to Man-wol in his will.

He says that Manager Noh prepared the paperwork so all she has to vì is turn it in, but Chan-sung is the only person who knows where the paperwork is. The ghost tells Man-wol that after paying all the taxes, she won’t have much left over after selling, so his advice is to lớn keep the building.


Seo-hee calls the realtor back, who says that he ran into Chan-sung at the old hotel. Seo-hee tricks Man-wol into getting on the phone with Chan-sung, who fusses at her for firing her most talented employee. He says that he’ll be right there if she asks him lớn come back, but she just tells him to lớn have the realtor lock the place up.

Later, Man-wol sits alone in the manager’s office, and she notices the shoes she bought for Chan-sung when they first met. She sighs that he should just wear his tacky brown shoes và work in a normal hotel.

Hyun-joong and Yoo-na still haven’t arrived at the new hotel, having gotten lost following the oto with the ghost. The driver slams on the brakes when someone suddenly appears in front of his bumper, but the person disappears. Hyun-joong spots him again, walking into the woods, so while the driver goes lớn flag down someone on the main road, Yoo-na tries khổng lồ follow the new ghost.


Hyun-joong stops her, finding it strange that while following a driver with one ghost in his car, they happened on a second ghost. Yoo-na says she can’t just leave if the ghosts were killed by the driver, especially since she herself was murdered.

Man-wol spends the evening moping at the hotel bar, where Bartender Kim is snippy with her, his feelings still hurt. He loses his temper when she demands the makgeolli she told him not khổng lồ mention, so she raids the makgeolli factory, drinking several bottles on the premises và leaving behind some cash.

She staggers towards trang chủ carrying a few more bottles, and on the way she runs across an old well with a resident water spirit (cameo by Nam Da-reum). He knows about khách sạn del Luna & its purpose, và Man-wol thanks him for the delicious water that went into the makgeolli.


Back in the city, Mi-ra tries khổng lồ remember what happened at the hotel that led khổng lồ Chan-sung being fired, but all she can recall is feeling happy because the khách sạn was so nice. Chan-sung says dejectedly that he was fired because Man-wol found him a nuisance, but he’s determined to lớn find a way back.

He goes inside, & Sanchez tells Mi-ra that Chan-sung likes Man-wol, but she dumped him and left him the Mount Baekdu painting as severance pay. Naturally, all Mi-ra hears is that the painting is worth a lot of money.

In his room, Chan-sung runs into the hotel CEO who owned the painting, who’s a ghost now. The CEO asks if his tiger is in the painting, but Chan-sung says the tiger has moved on. He tells the CEO about khách sạn del Luna, & when the CEO says he’d lượt thích to go there, Chan-sung gets excited — this is his ticket back in.


Sanchez wonders why Mi-ra isn’t going after Chan-sung, since she came all this way to lớn get him back. Mi-ra says she decided khổng lồ give up when she met Man-wol, though she wonders why she feels lượt thích she’s no match for her. Sanchez jokes that it’s because she owes people so much money, haha.

When Man-wol returns lớn the hotel, she learns that Hyun-joong và Yoo-na took a detour lớn pick up a ghost. Seo-hee says that Hyun-joong got the habit from Chan-sung, who couldn’t pass by a wandering spirit after what happened lớn the Room 13 ghost. Man-wol grows wistful, remembering how Man-wol would bring home ghosts like lost puppies, even once piggybacking a little girl ghost while singing “Baby Shark,” awww.

Her eyes fly mở cửa wide when Chan-sung walks in with the CEO, but she recovers enough khổng lồ be polite. She grouchily congratulates Chan-sung on figuring out how lớn follow a ghost to lớn find the hotel, but Chan-sung says that he met the CEO for a different reason — he’s selling the painting khổng lồ the CEO’s hotel to be displayed in a memorial hall for him.


Chan-sung confesses to lớn Man-wol that he fibbed about not being able lớn sell the painting — he was waiting for the CEO lớn pass away, because he knew the value of the painting would rise. Man-wol calls him a thief, but Chan-sung says that he didn’t know she would abandon him & the painting. He gloats that it’s worth a lot more than she thought và refuses to lớn give her any of the profit, and Man-wol orders him out.

As he’s leaving, Chan-sung spots the water spirit at the door và invites him into the hotel. The water spirit thanks him benevolently, then walks right through Chan-sung, leaving him soaking wet.

Having struck out with Chan-sung, Man-wol takes the CEO lớn her office to question him about whether his conglomerate had any hidden funds. Her tea starts to lớn overflow its cup, & she realizes that the floor of the hotel is covered in water. Seo-hee tells her that there’s something in the khách sạn that shouldn’t be — a spirit disguised as a young man.


Right away, Man-wol knows that it’s the water spirit, & when she sees Chan-sung still dripping wet, she guesses that he let the spirit in. Chan-sung defends that he’s never seen a water spirit before & thought it was a regular guest, & he asks how khổng lồ get rid of it. Man-wol says they invited him so they can’t make him leave.

The water spirit’s absence from his well has a devastating effect on the makgeolli factory… the well has run dry, while every inch of khách sạn del Luna is soggy. Chan-sung wants to try asking the water spirit khổng lồ leave, but Man-wol snaps that people used to sacrifice humans to water spirits to get them to vày anything.

Seo-hee reports that she’s found the room the water spirit is in, and that he only wants one thing — for Chan-sung, a living human, lớn come lớn his room. Everyone grows worried that he really wants a human sacrifice, so Man-wol storms out to find some townspeople, assuming that the water spirit is angry và intending to lớn make them apologize.


Chan-sung tries to lớn stop her, but she says that she refuses to lớn send him in there. Chan-sung argues that he invited the water spirit in, & that he even thanked him, so he’s certain the water spirit means no harm.

Yoo-na và Hyun-joong are still waiting in the woods, và Yoo-na asks Hyun-joong who the woman was that they saw at the hospital. Hyun-joong says with a proud sigh that she’s his younger sister, Hyun-mi. Yoo-na thinks about visiting her, but Hyun-joong begs her not to, & Yoo-na protests, “Do you think I’d say something bad lớn your sister when I lượt thích you?” Well, there it is.

She gets mad at herself for blurting out her feelings and runs off, leaving Hyun-joong giggling at her. She trips, and she sees something strange in the dirt. It’s a plaid shirt, và Yoo-na looks up to see the male ghost wearing that same shirt. He’s not alone — there are five more ghosts with him. ~shudder~


The hallway leading to lớn the water spirit’s room is thick with fog, & Man-wol tries one last time khổng lồ talk Chan-sung out of this. He preens, saying that it makes him look cool when she tries khổng lồ stop him. She asks why he came back when she did him a favor và let him go, & he says that when he told her to lớn ask him lớn come back, it took her three whole seconds khổng lồ refuse. That means that for three seconds, she wanted him to return. Awwww.

Man-wol grumbles that he’s making her angry, but he counters that she’s not angry, she’s worried. He bravely continues on alone, disappearing into the fog, and when Man-wol loses her nerve và runs after him, he’s already gone into the water spirit’s room.

He finds himself standing near the water spirit’s well as happy villagers work & play nearby. He calls down the well for the spirit, who answers that Chan-sung let him in và he’s very happy here. He says he doesn’t want to lớn return lớn his well, and Chan-sung asks what angered him.


The water spirit replies that he’s not angry: “I’m scared of being abandoned. I’ve never dried up, & gave the people fresh water… to lớn make alcohol và let them make money, but I can no longer fill up as much water as they want. Before I dry up & get abandoned lượt thích an empty pond, I ran away. I chose khổng lồ abandon them first while they could still miss me.”

Chan-sung is suddenly at the bottom of the well, & the water spirit shows himself khổng lồ Chan-sung & apologizes for being in a place where he’s not welcome. But he says he has nowhere else lớn go, và he asks Chan-sung for help. He removes his water gourd from his belt and levitates it khổng lồ Chan-sung, promising to return the favor by showing Chan-sung his own fears, so that he can resolve them.

Chan-sung’s eyes close, và see sees a series of scenes: Man-wol crying under the Moon Tree… dark Mago staring at Chan-sung as he cries. When he opens them, Man-wol is calling down the well to him, và he calls back that he’s found a solution.


Yoo-na has alerted the police khổng lồ her discovery, and in the morning, they find five bodies buried in the area. The detective in charge of the investigation looks startlingly like Man-wol’s old friend, Yeon-woo. Hyun-joong & Yoo-na finally arrive at the hotel’s new location, and they sheepishly inform Seo-hee và Bartender Kim that they’ve brought a few new guests.

Mi-ra helps Sanchez arrange a school reunion at his pizza place, and they’re joined by a classmate named JI-WON (cameo by Lee David), who just happens lớn be the man who killed the ghosts now checking into khách sạn del Luna. Sanchez doesn’t look happy to see Ji-won, having deliberately left him off the invite list, but Mi-ra says she noticed và called him.


Ji-won tensely greets Sanchez, và he mentions that he heard Chan-sung is back in Korea. Mi-ra says she didn’t realize he knew Chan-sung, but Ji-won says with a dark chuckle that he knows him well, “… he’s a smart guy who’s good at everything.”

Chan-sung & Man-wol take the water spirit’s gourd to lớn the CEO’s villa, which has a beautiful indoor spring. Chan-sung tells the water spirit that he’ll be happy here và tosses the gourd into the water, where it quickly sinks, then creates a joyful waterspout.

Man-wol is sad that the town’s makgeolli won’t taste the same anymore, and she scoffs that the water spirit left the well because he was angry. Chan-sung says he was only sad — if he’d been angry, he would have called on Man-wol, since she’s stronger.


She asks what he saw at the bottom of the well, & Chan-sung replies, “Fear.” He says that the water spirit showed him what he’s most afraid of, và we see more of his vision. He & Man-wol are at the Moon Tree, and as dark Mago looks on, Man-wol dissipates as a vengeful spirit. She never takes her eyes off Chan-sung as she swirls into ashes, then she’s gone forever.

Now Chan-sung confronts Man-wol, saying that she saw his fears and was trying to protect him by sending him away. He takes the medicine from his pocket, the one that can make him stop seeing ghosts, & Man-wol doesn’t deny that she asked Mago khổng lồ give it to him. She says she’ll pray for his safety, but he counters that he’ll keep facing danger lớn make her uncomfortable.

He tosses the medicine into the spring và yells that no place is safe for him now, so she needs lớn continue protecting him. They stand there glaring at each other, neither willing lớn back down.



I’m so happy that Chan-sung finally admitted his feelings for Man-wol. Not that he’s ever really denied them, but he’s previously framed them in terms of employer/employee, & then almost as if they were friends. Now he knows that his feelings run deeper, và he’s not willing to lớn let Man-wol off the hook, either. I like how he’s confident of the way she feels about him — not even so much romantically, but just as someone she cares about, whether or not she’s ready lớn admit it. I melted when he counted down how many seconds it took her lớn refuse to ask him back. Chan-sung knows that Man-wol cares, và he’s not afraid to lớn tell her khổng lồ her face that she cares about him, but he’s never pushy or aggressive about it. Just lượt thích in his previous life, he doesn’t need Man-wol lớn say she cares because he already knows.

I’ll admit that I was hoping for a twist in which Chan-sung was really Yeon-woo reincarnated (I confess, I’ve had a Lee Tae-sun bias ever since Entertainer). But after the previous episode and this one, it’s pretty clear that Chan-sung was Chung-myung, especially since Yeon-woo has also been reincarnated. Chan-sung is still very lượt thích his previous incarnation — capable, charming, and quietly confident — and now that we know more about what happened khổng lồ them back then, it makes sense why Man-wol wasn’t happy to see Chan-sung when he showed up again after a thousand years. I don’t think he’s only back khổng lồ see Man-wol on to the next life, because there’s a lot between them that needs to be settled, especially the truth of why Chung-myung seemed to lớn betray Man-wol. I think Sunny nailed it when she posited that Princess Song-hwa blackmailed Chung-myung into marrying her, and that he did what he could to lớn save Man-wol at the tragic expense of Yeon-woo and her people.

He hasn’t spent a thousand years paying for his crimes the same way Man-wol has, but Chung-myung/Chan-sung deserves a chance to explain what he did and why. And after a thousand years, Man-wol needs to mourn and atone for killing him (I assume) in retaliation. I believe that Chung-myung needs redemption as much as Man-wol does, & they can only get it from each other. I think that Yeon-woo is also back for a reason, và that he’ll end up entangled in Chan-sung and Man-wol’s current situation, which should be interesting. He also has feelings for Man-wol that need resolution, & she’s carrying a lot of guilt for his death that she needs to unload. I have a feeling that Yeon-woo’s presence is going lớn be a catalyst for a lot of the healing that needs to happen before Man-wol can move on.

In his current incarnation, for a guy who describes himself as weak-hearted, Chan-sung is lượt thích granite when it comes khổng lồ his refusal to leave Man-wol. I love that he’s not pathetic about it, though, và he even gets angry about the situation sometimes, but he’s here, and he’s not going away, and that’s that. He knows that Man-wol needs him whether she likes it or not, và that the khách sạn needs him, & he actually enjoys the work that he does now that he’s acclimated khổng lồ it. But mostly he’s determined to see this thing with Man-wol through to the end, not because it’s destiny or because the gods made it happen, but because he cares about her soul.